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DrugsMusical Diary3D Pics

My favourite psychoactive substance

One of my favourite hobbies ...

Musical Diary

Stefan Evert

I haven't found much time to practise my violin or electric guitar recently, so there aren't any new updates and the photo *ahem* looks a bit outdated.

My iPhone is still set to the RC Cars ringtone, though. If you hear it anywhere around you it's probably me.

iPhone ringtones

3-D Photography

The photos below are stereographs for cross-eyed viewing.

3D Practice
Try this first!
Maria Himmelfahrt
a toy-like church near Bolzano
“Totem” (Leuven)
scarab beetle on a needle
inside the Darmstadt convention centre
Oberbozen / Soprabolzano
panoramic view of hoodoos near Bozen
Town hall of Leuven

Now that you've got the stereoscopic viewing down, go on to read Chapter 3 of my dissertation.

© by Stephanie Evert (29 Aug 2024) / PDF version / Imprint & Privacy